Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC

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For the first time in Victoria, the Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC (VCSBC) and the Vancouver Island Hispanic Network Society (VIHNS) are pleased to bring you the Fiesta Decembrina con Sabor Latino you were waiting for this 2023.

Our Latin Party is about more than just celebrating; it’s about fostering a sense of community. Families, friends, and strangers alike come together to share in the joy of the season. It’s a time to connect, share stories, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Live performances to delight your senses, DJ, fun, delicious Latin Food and dessert to satisfy your palate and much more.

Let’s celebrate Christmas in Latin style!

Special Guests:

  • Orchestra Obatala f. Miguelito Valdes, composed of 8 extremely talented musicians who live in Victoria and Gulf Island.
  • DJ Moses “El Pachanguero”, who brings you all the Latin tunes.

Come dressed in your best holiday attire and get ready for a night full of fun and joy as we celebrate the season in grand style. You won’t want to miss it!

We look forward to seeing you there!

All ticket sales are final!

Por primera vez en Victoria, la Sociedad Venezolana Canadiense de BC (VCSBC, por sus siglas en ingles) y la Red Hispana de Vancouver Island (VIHNS, por sus siglas en ingles) se complacen en traerles la Fiesta Decembrina con Sabor Latino que estabas esperando este 2023.

Esta fiesta latina es mucho más que simplemente celebrar; se trata de fomentar un sentido de comunidad. Familias, amigos y allegados comparten la alegría de la época. Es un momento para conectarse, compartir y crear recuerdos que durarán toda la vida.

Actuaciones en vivo, DJ, diversión, deliciosa comida latina y postres para satisfacer tu paladar y más.

¡Celebremos la Navidad al estilo latino!

Invitados especiales:

  • Orquesta Obatalá f. Miguelito Valdés, compuesto por 8 músicos sumamente talentosos que viven en Victoria y Gulf Island
  • DJ Moisés “El Pachanguero”, quien te trae todas las melodías latinas.

Ven vestido con tu mejor atuendo navideño y prepárate para una noche llena de diversión y alegría mientras celebramos a lo grande. ¡No querrás perdértelo!

Esperamos verlos allí!

Venta de boletos es final!

Place / Lugar:
Saanich Commonwealth Place, Garry Oak Gymnasium

4636 Elk Lake Dr, Victoria, BC

For more information, call 778.389.7723 or  email:

Para más información llamar al 778.389.7723 ó email:

$10 Discount 

Exciting news for Permanent Residents (PR): Thanks to the generosity of Le Relais Francophone to sponsor PRs, you can get a $10 discount on the admission to our Fiesta! 

To get this discount, follow these steps:

1. Fill out the Le Relais Francophone Permanent Resident Registration Form correctly

2. Once your form is reviewed and approved, you will receive a unique discount code for our event 

3. When completing your ticket purchase, enter the unique discount code in the designated field

We publicly want to thank Le Relais Francophone for giving Permanent Residents the opportunity to join the fun of our “Fiesta Decembrina con Sabor Latino” at a reduced price

Apply for membership