"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?" – Martin Luther King, Jr.
These organizations are helping others in their Communities.
WE help others
We work directly and indirectly with many organizations in Canada and abroad to help improve the conditions of many affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela.
Your efforts and donations are used dutifully to ensure it reaches their intended destination.
Our selection process is briefly described in our FAQs section in our Donate page.
In the past, we have helped these organizations below:

— Sunrisas
We have channelled donations from various events to support Sunrisas cause which includes the creation of opportunities for children through education, promoting personal growth and development to contribute in the progress of their communities.
— Hijos de Morán
We have channelled donations from various events to support Hijos de Moran’s cause which includes providing medical supplies, hot meals to those in extreme poverty, education, and betterment for many communities in Morán.
— Barriguita Llena
We have channelled donations from various events to support Barriguita Llena’s cause which includes to provide nutritional aid to communities in extreme poverty and, through that, provide smiles to the children within those communities in Paraguaná, Falcón state.
— Proyecto Parkinson
We have channelled donations from various events to support Proyecto Parkinson’s cause which includes providing access to therapeutic treatments through dance and body movement in Caracas; the program puts emphasis on the healing powers of the arts.
— Vancouver Sun - Adopt A School Program
We have channelled donations from various events to support Adopt-a-School program as they provide food for various schools in the Metro Vancouver area.
— Action For Venezuela
In collaboration with Action For Venezuela, we have channelled donations to their supported cause: helping the UNHCR setup and operate refugee camps to tend to the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela.
— Greater Vancouver Food Bank
Many of our events include a donation to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to provide healthy food to those in need.
— Buses of Hope
In collaboration with Buses of Hope, we have channelled donations to their supported cause: helping hungry refugees upon their arrival to Guayaquil, Ecuador.
— Mejor Venezuela
In collaboration with Mejor Venezuela Society, we have channelled donations to their supported cause: Caritas who implement the SAMAN project and help fight malnutrition in the states of Barinas, Merida, and Yaracuy.
— Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Proceeds from some events are donated to this local parish as a small gesture of appreciation for letting us hold events at their venue.
— Fuerza Venezolana en el Mundo
— Together for Venezuela
A Vancouver-based grass-root group that sends funds to buy food for the hungry via various organizations which include the nursing home “Casa Hogar Dr. Luis Lizarraga” – San Felipe and Charity Missionaries – Marin.
— Healing Venezuela
UK-Based Charity organization run by volunteers with no political or religious affiliations.
They focus on the delivery of the best possible medical assistance to the people of Venezuela by providing medical supplies to health-related institutions, improvement of mental-health and training of local doctors and nurses.
— Batido Solidario
Volunteers drive around Margarita Island, giving protein shakes to people in need (they literally hop on a car looking for kids that are rummaging through trash bins for food!). They have given more than 5,000 shakes already, most of it funded out of their own pocket. In order to continue with Batido Solidario, they need your help!
— Mamis a la Obra Con Pacheco
A Non-Profit Foundation created to help and support babies, children, and teenagers hospitalized in health care centres in Venezuela. The recovery of the little ones is their compass, their goal, that is why we appeal to your spirit of help convinced that you also can help us. Your economic support will help in paying medical tests, medicines, nutrition support, and even food to help them recover better.
— Somos Iguales
Somos Iguales is a volunteer group made up of family and friends, willing to offer a helping hand to Venezuelans with nutritional deficiencies. Somos Iguales is intended to collect supplies to bring food to homeless people and collect school supplies so children of Venezuela can return to classes and be academically trained. Currently, with the Covid-19 pandemic, they are also focused on collecting medical supplies for hospitals.
— Abbotsford Community Foundation
When disaster struck our neighbours in the interior of British Columbia, we felt the need to help the communities that have helped us. The Abbotsford Community Foundation established the Abbotsford Disaster Relief Fund to support front-line agencies providing essential services to affected families and businesses.
— Giving Smiles TTLO
Their mission is to provide hope to the little ones (TTLO), helping them smile again by experiencing the love of God. They have been helping children since 2013.
Their leadership team has created important partnerships to link the possibilities of generous people living in USA with a brave network of churches and volunteers in Venezuela who fight hunger and provide hope to children in risk.
— Canada-Ukraine Foundation
Established at the 18th Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), The Canada-Ukraine Foundation was formed in order to coordinate, develop, organize and deliver assistance projects generated by Canadians and directed to Ukraine.
The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is critical and the needs immense. According to the UN, 15.7 million people are in need.
— Grupo de Rescate Caracas
With over 5 decades of service, this group is a voluntary NGO specialized in the task of preventing, fighting and extinguishing vegetation fires, and to protect and conserve the natural resources, national parks, and forest reserves of the entire Venezuelan national territory as well as provide search, location, and rescue of injured or lost people (S.A.R.).
— Taller de Educación Laboral Andres Bello
Educational workshops for youth with various levels of disability.
Operating out of the “Centro Educacional Andres Bello”, they had an online request for donations to replace their old (and deformed) sporting equipment including soccer balls, volley balls, basket balls for their youth. Youth sports are great for development, learning, and growth.
We are glad we are able to help and be part of this donation drive to renew their sporting equipment.