Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC

Community Support

We Support our community in collaboration with other local organizations

What We Do


— We Contribute

We help our communities and work with other NGOs locally in BC and in Venezuela to provide much needed assistance to those in need.

We also contribute to the enrichment of multiculturalism in Canada.


— We Build Networks

At our yearly events, entrepreneurs and small businesses are able to reach out to the community, and to each other, creating a networks of contacts for their businesses.

We help facilitate integration to the labour market via networking during our events.


— We Strengthen

It is often said that there is strength in numbers.  By providing common services and events to our members, we offer gathering opportunities to unite our members and strengthen our voices; to act as one and be part of our communities.


— We Educate

Many recent immigrants know little about where to find the information they seek, we offer help to assist them with finding that information.

We also provide our communities with some awareness of the critical humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which has become the main driver of many of our activities and fundraising events.


— We Promote

We promote Venezuelan culture, identity, and folklore through our various programs, community services, and events.

We promote Venezuelan values and traditions as well as learning of the Spanish language in British Columbia.

We promote multiculturalism in all communities of this beautiful province called British Columbia.


— We Have Fun

We always aim to make all our events a fun-filled activity.

We enjoy seeing the smiles in our volunteers, members, and collaborators.  In knowing that a job well-done can be fun, we encourage active participation and involvement in our local communities.

Our Programs

Our Programs run year-round.

Our Events

Our Events are listed on our calendar.

We Help Others

We help others in our communities.

What We Care For!

Cultural Awareness

Venezuela’s culture is rich and diverse. Filled with Afro-Caribbean influences, many European with Arabic  undertones and definitely uniquely latin, our culture has a lot to contribute to the Canadian multicultural canvas.

Use of the Spanish Language

Everyone knows about the benefits of speaking several languages.

Spanish is a very important second, third (or more) language to learn and use.

Humanitarian Causes

The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela cannot be ignored by our Society.

As of late, most of our events have shifted priorities to ensure we can provide some aid to the relief efforts via our various collaborating partners.

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