Diana Souki: Children and multiculturalism
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud. Translated by Yajaira Morán and Genevieve Ayukawa Diana’s tips Appreciate that you are in a country where many cultures get along Build friendships with people from different […]
Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC
Highlighting notable Venezuelans in BC or groups with ties to Venezuela
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud. Translated by Yajaira Morán and Genevieve Ayukawa Diana’s tips Appreciate that you are in a country where many cultures get along Build friendships with people from different […]
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud. Translated by Genevieve Ayukawa. If you have ever gone to any event hosted by the Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC (VCSBC) and have heard someone leading
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud / Translation by Erika Sanabria M. Just like any other teenager who’s passionate about their hobby, Bryan Leon is almost always talking about speed skating. His
Written by Valentina Ruiz Leotaud / Translated by Erika Sanabria M Alexandra landed in Vancouver in 1997, after being way too cold in Moosonee, a town in Ontario that only has
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaoud / Translated by Genevieve Ayukawa His tips for happiness when it comes to re-focusing your career: Be mature Be clear about where you come from – both
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud / Translation Carlos Cabello Sofía Sánchez Bujosa, barely 21, has a long stretch in Vancouver and some other places. Since little girl she loves dance, so
By Valentina Ruiz Leotaud / Translated into English by Alexandra Cruz A. Luis Guiterrez, better known in the Latin community by his artistic name LuiFox, is a Venezuelan with over two
By Víctor Bolívar @victorabolivar Everybody in this world is passionate about something – for some it is money, power, weapons, religion, drugs, alcohol or sex, but for others it is