Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC

Sunrisas and VCSBC

Dear Community,
Thank you for joining us once again at the annual picnic commemorating the Independence of Venezuela. Understandably, this year’s event did not seem as festive as previous ones due to the situation in our country.  However, during out get-together you still contributed your grain of sand to help Venezuelan children through the expertise of SunRisas – a non-profit organization the provides smiles and happiness to underprivileged children in Venezuela.
A total of $275 were raised.
Ana Carina Romero, who has been the liaison between Sunrisas and VCSBC, was responsible for making the donation online directly to this worthy cause, on behalf of all the Venezuelans that contributed.
While still at the park, we called Ms. Fabiana (Founder and director at SunRisas) to ask what this donation could buy for the children. She was very excited about our efforts and she explained that this was enough money to pay for one month of antibiotics for 25 children at the children’s hospital “J.M. de los Rios” – There was more than one person with teary eyes among us.
Once again we would like to express our deep gratitude to all participants for always showing the best side of Venezuela.
Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC


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