Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC

Public Announcement

Public Announcement

This afternoon we have received some information from various means that suggests to the reader that there is some type of collaboration or working relationship between the Venezuelan Consulate in Vancouver and the Venezuelan-Canadian Society of BC (VCSBC).

The rumour, as it arrives to us, varies in details and, as all rumours do, contains some truthful pieces and the rest is made up.

For this reason, we wish to notify the community again that VCSBC executes all its activities and functions completely independently from the Bolivarian Consulate of Venezuela in Vancouver, BC.

To be absolutely clear, VCSBC does not solicit, receive, nor would accept any type of support, financial or otherwise, from the current Bolivarian Government of Venezuela nor from any of its foreign representatives, including the Vancouver Consulate office.

Any commentary suggesting otherwise is simply false and we would be grateful to the community if such rumours are not spread.

Having made the point clear, four years ago when VCSBC was recently founded, the Board of Directors (of the time) decided to leave some informational pamphlets in the consulate offices with the objective of spreading information about the services and programs that VCSBC was developing and, to this end, become known within the Venezuelan community.  To our knowledge, this occurred only once.

Please feel free to contact us directly with any comments or doubts that you may have.  You can reach us via email (info AT vcsbc DOT ca) or through our Contact Us form in our website:


Board of Directors,
Venezuelan Canadian Society of BC

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